If you browse over allot of domain or webmaster related sites on a daily basis then you’ve probably already seen at least one advertisement for the upcoming release of a new domain extension, Dot-PW. Actually, the .PW extension has already been taking new registrations since December of 2012, it’s just the first stage (Sunrise Period) was limited only to those who have trademarks and want to register their trademark name. The .PW extension is currently in its second stage (Landrush Period) which runs until March 22nd and you can still get in on it if you want to! The Landrush Period is where you submit an application for a domain you’re interested in having.
If you seam fit for the name and no one else submits an application for it then it’s yours once the Landrush Period is over. Otherwise, if multiple people submit an application for the same domain and auction will be formed with only those applicants. Whomever bids the most will get the domain. Expect to see this with almost all premium domains such as Lawyer.pw, Weather.pw, Security.pw and other top keyword domains. Starting on March 25, 2013 the .PW domain extension will open for General Registration, its final stage. This is where the prices will drop significantly to around $10/year and no application or trademark information will need to be submitted. It should be interesting to see how this extension plays out but I don’t plan on investing much into it myself.
I personally believe that .COM is king and will remain so. Most of the domains that would sell for good profit will be applied for during the current Landrush Periods. Those names will go to auction and I’m sure there will be multiple bidders in many of them. It’s still a good time to get in if you’ve got some money to invest in premium .PW domains!
Introducing Professional Web
Posted on March 20, 2013 Leave a Comment
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