Via.TV is for sale. S O L D
Traffic(previous 31 days): 742 UV
Traffic proof: SEDO
Useful info: Via can can be used for the following:
1. By way of: went to Pittsburgh via Philadelphia.
2. By means of: sent the letter via airmail.
Via is also popular in other languages such as Greek and Spanish(meaning is almost identical as in English language) and Italian(means “road” and used as “by”). That said this domain really fits the .tv domain cctld; can be used for “Through TV”.
Google frequency for “via”: 100,000,000
Google search for “via”: 370,230
Registrar: Dynadot, this domain has a normal renewal price of almost $24 per year and can only be transferred to another dynadot account.
Domain creation date: 25 March 2010
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